Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Time for an old fashioned Calendar

Last night, while driving home from a mundane errand, I decided it was time for a calendar.   It's  half way through January and I'm feeling sufficiently overwhelmed with things to do. I've never been a daytimer kind of person. First, you have to remember to write down the appointment/deadline/goal.  Then you have to remember to have look at your daytimer in the morning, or the day or week before, to make sure that you don't forget about it.  Unfortunately for me,  I'm just as likely to forget to open that little book, as I am to forget the appointment.  Then came the smart phone, and yes I do have one, but still, I'm not very consistant at inputting appointments, and I find it unsettling to be a slave to the reminder "buzz". I guess I'm a visual person, and the old fashioned calendar, with place to write in the little boxes, and then stare at them hanging on the wall while I eat my breakfast, works for me!

So I decided to make one, and to share it with you...you can download the pdf at the end of the post.

The calendar - printed on my inkjet printer, on card stock (my printer's not the best)

If you're a calendar person too, and would like to print one out for yourself, here's the link to a free download...

2013 Calendar ready-to-print

have a nice day!

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Project beginnings...

Blog entry #4.  Finally, after so many years, it seems I've become comfortable with the medium!  I realize I do have lots to share, and I hope that it may be of interest to some people out there.  Maybe to help people to better understand what goes into running a creative small business, or to inspire a few to pursue an idea for a business of their own.  I'd love to hear from anyone who happens upon this blog, and feels like piping in with a comment.  I'm always so shy to comment on other people's blogs, but I think this is silly, as people love to know that their contributions to the blogosphere are being enjoyed.    The idea of the possibility of having a conversation with potential readers is something that really excites me, and would bring a new dimension to, what can sometimes feel like, a bit of a lonely pursuit.

So, I thought I'd post a sneak preview of a new project that I'm working on today.   I'm not going to say what the actual end result will be, as I think its going to be pretty cool and worthy of a reveal!! The pieces will be ready in a couple of weeks and I'll definitely post then.

These are my drawings for the project...
All Canadiana and mostly food...not your usual Marmalade fare, but definitely cute!

The fabric is currently on order, hopefully it turns out nice, then production can begin!
xo Kate

Friday, 11 January 2013

New Year, New Space, New Beginning

Back from the holidays...filled with fun times with family, but also not-so-fun times with the flu.  Seems like we're not alone in having been hit by the bug this season.  I had visions of completing all kinds of tasks  - designing new images, packaging, website updates etc. etc.  Really, what was accomplished was a whole bunch of sleeping, shivering, and popping meds on a steady diet of nyquil, sudafed, and tylenol cold....

Next up - getting the studio in order and ready
for 2013.   We have lots of big plans, and are definitely excited about a new place to realize them.  Here are some photos of the workshop in progress.  Insulation, windows, skylight, walls, floor.  That was all done before the holiday.  But upon our return it was straight to Home Depot, on a mission to outfit the inside with work benches and shelves, to create the organized craft haven I've been craving for years.   Organizing doesn't come naturally, so starting out on the right foot will definitely help keep things running like a well oiled machine...instead of a machine that's constantly searching for the right pliers and that darned glue stick :)

This is the beginning of workbench construction.  Lots of plans, lots of excitement. 
Lots to come....Happy New Year! Kate